
Welcome to Editing Insiders! We’re two editors with more than 40 combined years experience here to help you with whatever writing conundrum you find yourself in.

Why Hire Editing Insiders?

Janyre Tromp has worked in traditional book publishing for more than 25 years, spending time in both marketing and editorial.

Why hire Janyre?

  • An award-winning fiction and nonfiction editor means she has proven editorial and people skills.
  • With a background in marketing, she is familiar with reader expectations, felt needs, etc.
  • As a former editor for a traditional house, she’s aware of the needs and desires of acquiring editors.
  • Because she’s writer herself, she’s careful with author concerns and fears without sacrificing quality. 

Specialty areas include

  • Developmental and line editing
  • Brainstorming with authors
  • Coaching from concept to writing and editing and from platform building to publication

And that all happens from her kitchen table when she’s not hanging out with her husband, two kids, two troublesome cats, and slightly eccentric Shetland Sheepdog. In case you’re wondering, you pronounce that first name Jan-air…kind of like the stove, but not like the book. For more information, click here.

Janyre has a gift for asking thought-provoking questions that help writers see projects from a fresh perspective. After spending time with Janyre you will be invigorated with creative ideas as well as practical tasks to better craft your work.

—Tannis Oliveri, blogger and novelist


No matter where you are on your writing journey, we’re here to help. And the first question you may be asking is, do I need to hire an editor?

We say maybe. Check out this infographic to help you decide: editinginsiders.com/hire-an-editor/

Or read through our services and see if one of these fits where you’re at:

Writer’s Workshops

Janyre is available to speak for your writer’s group or conference. Please contact her at janyre@editinginsiders.com for speaking inquiries.

Click here for a list of upcoming workshops.


Sometimes you just need a little direction and hands on advice. That’s a great place for writing or marketing coach. The good news is, we’ve got you for both areas!


Do you want to write a book and you’re not sure how to start? Or maybe you have a book written, and you’re not sure what comes next. Or maybe you’re stuck in the middle muddle quagmire.

You don’t necessarily need someone to edit for you, just help you figure out where to go next. A writing coach might be the ticket. As a 20+ year veteran of the publishing industry, I’ll help you every step of the way. Often it’s a single phone call to get started. Here I won’t necessarily dig deep in your manuscript so it’s an inexpensive way to get an idea of what to do next.

First time coaching calls cost $150 and include a skim read of material as well as an hour call with assignments.

Set up a COACHING CALL here: https://calendly.com/editinginsiders/writing-coach


One of the hardest things for a writer is beginning their platform and marketing their book . . . while still writing. As both a successful author and former marketing director, Janyre can help in concepting, developing, and executing a marketing plan.

First time marketing calls cost $150.


Editorial Assessment/Proposal Evaluation

An editorial assessment or a proposal evaluation may be a great first step to deciding whether or not you are ready to submit your work. This includes an edit of your first chapters and proposal with an eye to making your pitch stand out. Contact Janyre for a quote. The typical charge is between $450 and $1300 depending on where you are at in the process and what type of book you are writing. Assessments are charged hourly ($75/hour).

Developmental Editing

A developmental edit is a broad scope edit that tackles structure and argument for nonfiction and character and plot arc in fiction. Contact Janyre for a quote. Dev edits are charged hourly ($75/hour), but a typical 60,000 word book will be between $3,000 and $5,500.

Copy Editing

A copy edit tackles smaller structural issues, word choice, attributions, and mechanics. Contact Janyre for a quote.


You can reach Janyre Tromp (janyre@editinginsiders.com). She would love to connect with you and answer any questions you may have.

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